How to earn 20k daily

What is News₦aira Income Program News₦aira Income Program (News₦IP) is a system designed to enrich the members and users of NewsNaira Website. An online program driven by a goal of solving the financial problems among the youths, students, middle class and whoever that wish to take advantage of earning opportunity and making money online legitimately in Nigeria as it creates the channel for participant to earn residual income on weekly basis. How it Works News₦aira has 2 means of generating income for our members. News₦ARS: NewsNaira Ad Revenue Sharing - With News₦ARS, participant earns residual income bonus by reading news, commentting on articles, daily login in to their NewsNaira account, and even sharing assigned sponsored post on social media. We share our ads revenue with you monthly when you make NewsNaira community your news and information household. News₦ARS Income breakdown 1. Read News - ₦2 per news (earn on daily news) 2. Comment - ₦3 per article. (earn on ...